Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How do I change my age on Xbox Live? please help?

I REALLY REALLY want to get the demo for Red Faction: Guerilla, but it's rated M, and I'm 16 and that's all I want is that demo, I been having a really crappy day, and that would really make me feel better.

Also, It let me download Watchmen: The End Is Nigh, and That's rated M, what's up with that?

Please help me, please : (How do I change my age on Xbox Live? please help?I had the same problem. There is no way to change your age once you set it, but there is a way to download and play rated M games. Go to and log in your gamer-tag. Once you did that go to your profile and there should be something that allows you to check YES or NO for downloads and etc.

If you signed up for xboxlive right, it should have asked you for your parents email and a password to get on live. You might need that for this.

It's been three months since I did this and it works.