Friday, June 3, 2011

How do fix the XBox Live issue associated with playing EA's Battlefield: Bad Company 2 online?

I tried playing it, but the game said something about the restrictions on my account did not allow for playing. I tried searching everywhere with no avail for an answer. When I called EA they said that I had a %26quot;children%26quot; XBox Live account and Live could change the age associated with my account.

When I called Live, they checked 3 times and I checked on my Xbox with them on the phone and there was no Children's account. They then quoted the correct age on my account, and told me to call back EA.

So I did, and EA told me to screw around with the ports on my modem which STILL didn't fix it.

I bought the game for the online and it is a really cool game... anyone know a fix?
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