Monday, September 19, 2011

Should i just move on?

so my stepmom has just about ruined whatever relationship i had with my matter what my dad will always sides with her because i used to have a anger problem.i am not like that anymore and i grew out of it by age 12,and i just turned 18.

my stepmom likes to tell my dad i haven't changed and that i do nothing around the is true i hardly do anything around the house.i pick up after myself,and mow the lawn when asked.i keep my part of the house room,my bathroom,and my room.but these are all down in our furnished basement.on top of that i am usually out of the house 75% of the time during the day because am working.or i am sleeping (graduated 2 months ago) because i can't stand being in this house with her, so i get my peace and quiet at when i am home im only awake at night for the most part.

it all started about 9 months ago when i enlisted really,or i should say it started to get really bad on top of a already bad situation (verbal abuse).anyways when i first enlisted in the army national guard she gave me so much hell during the enlistment process i sometimes regret not going active.this has continued to this day she is always making nasty comments on me being in the military.saying how i am a disgrace,skinny ***,and saying i won't make it.thank god i only have 51 days till i get out of this place.

then when i bought a computer (which i worked for the money) she was saying how i was wasting my money and how i should just move out.she did the same thing when i bought my xbox 360,and when i moved it into my room the other day because i was tired of no one taking care of it (i have 2 younger brothers 17,and 8) i was bitched at all day.she was telling my how i was selfish,and told my youngest brother that he couldn't use it anymore because i was being selfish with it,when in fact i moved it to my room so i could supervise him using it just like my 17 year old brother does with his wii (which she had no problem letting him keeping that in his room).

also whenever i have friends over (who can't stand her either,and think she's a total b*tch) to help me get something,or when i need to show them something real quick,she not only lets our dogs down (small as one might be he's very aggressive and bites) so it makes trying to get out the door difficult.she then reasons when i get home that it was just by chance,and that i need to tell her when they are coming in the house.then i have to clean the house because i didn't tell her they were coming in.i might be at fault for that,but i hardly let them in,except for like i said above,and its only like 2 min. or less.any longer than that i will usually call my dad.

so yeah now its like total hell dad wants me to be a family member,which is kinda hard to do that when he thinks she's i only got a high score on my ASVAB because of her hard work (we were homechooled because she thought PS were bad for,when in fact she failed as a teacher.we would have been put back in public schools had they found out how poorly she taught us.she only got lucky because my dad was in the military and claimed we lived in florida (its a special thing ppl in the military can do) the state we lived at be here,and they have very laid back homeschooling laws.then she put us through some shitty high school program (Pennfoster) that only gives you a standard diploma,and each subject took no longer than 2 1/2 weeks.i did that all on my own without her help.but my dad is always telling me i should be thankful for what %26quot;she%26quot; saved us from and that we should be thankful that %26quot;she%26quot; taught us.

i take the SAT dec 6th and i have taken many practice ones and i get 1500-1550 on them.i know this isn't the best,but i know several universities in my area that take ppl in with only a 900-1200.and these are universities that have over 30,000 students.the good news is that all freshmen have to live in the dorms for their first only worry is that with me being in basic during the whole application process i might not be able to go for the fall semester,which is a requirement for freshmen.

so heres my question.should i just move on and keep as little contact with my family as possible?because as of now i doubt i would come home for holidays because my step ruins everyone.Should i just move on?i say pray about it and let GOD handle this situationShould i just move on?Holly $#%%26amp;^%26amp; i just read a freaking book.

She sounds like a bit$# I would send my dad a letter were I explain everything, you can even send her this same question and our responses (!!hello B's dad!!!) so he can see and believe the way you feel. Just print this page and show it to him, or mail it. Don't say anything just tell him to read it. Should i just move on?Move on mate! To stay would be like banging your head against a brick wall.

Don't lose contact with your dad though, its not entirely his fault. In the meantime make an effort to do a bit more as even you agreed you don't do a lot.

At the end of the day she is only acting like this towards you because you are a reminder of the life your dad had before her.

You may find it easier to visit in the future for holidays to see your dad as you have been seperated fron the situation.

Best of luck in your exams!